Welcome to
Cybersecurity and NextG Wireless Networking Innovations (CWiNs) Lab @ Howard University 


The mission of the CWiNS lab is to advance the state-of-the-art technologies in cybersecurity and wireless networks, and networked cyber physical systems (smart grid, transportation, Internet of Things). The CWiNS group engages in fundamental research on cognitive networks, wireless virtualization, cybersecurity for networked systems, cyber-physical systems and the Internet of Things, big data analytics, vehicular networking for transportation CPS, unmanned aerial vehicular ad hoc networks, software-defined networks, smart grid systems, wireless sensor networks and research/project based education. The CWiNS lab provides a diverse and rich educational and research environment promoting interdisciplinary research projects. Furthermore, the CWiNS lab also serves as a diverse and rich educational center serving the students of the university as well as its region. 

Research Philosophy 

Our research philosophy can be summarized as SOLVE, i.e., specify/identify real-world problem, design its theoretical framework and solutions, validate the solutions and develop a prototype.

Research Expertise/Thrusts

Our research expertise/thrusts are cyber-security and wireless networking