What's New
Received the Best Student Paper Award at IEEE Consumer Communications & Networking Conference, 2020 (IEEE CCNC 2020) for the paper entitled "Deceptor-in-the-Middle (DitM): Cyber Deception for Security in Wireless Network Virtualization".
Received the Best Student Paper Award at IEEE International Conference on Industrial Internet, November, 2019 (IEEE ICII 2019) for the paper entitled "FastChain: Lightweight Blockchain with Sharding for Internet of Battlefield-Things in NS-3".
Dr. Rawat, Director of CWiNs lab received $700,000.00 research funds to support the research on "Consortium for Proactive CyberSecurity (CPC): Data-driven Cybersecurity Analytics, Forensics and Protection (DCAFP)" from DoE National Nuclear Security Administration in September 2019.
Dr. Rawat was selected as the Distinguished Member of the 2019 INFOCOM Technical Program Committee of the IEEE INFOCOM 2019 - | Certificate | Web Link
One of our papers was selected as the runner up for Best Student Paper at 15th International Conference on Computing and Information Technology 2019, Bangkok, Thailand, Jul 4, 2019 - Jul 5, 2019.
Dr. Rawat received 'Researcher Exemplar Award 2019' from Howard University on May 10, 2019.
Dr. Rawat received 'Graduate Faculty Exemplar Award 2019' from Howard University on May 10, 2019.
Our paper entitled "Cybersecurity in Big Data Era: From Securing Big Data to Data-Driven Security" has been accepted by IEEE Transactions on Services Computing March 2019.
Prof Rawat talked on Examining Algorithms for Bias. errata: In the article, one line should have been/written like " ..... though algorithms are running in computers/Machines, there’s a reason why bias is showing up...." :-)
Our paper entitled "On the Wireless Virtualization with QoE Constraints" Transactions on Emerging Telecommunications Technologies (Wiley) has been accepted for publication February 2019.
Our book entitled "Smart Cities Cybersecurity and Privacy" has been published by Elsevier Press, ISBN: 9780128150320 in December, 2018.
Dr. Rawat was invited to chair the IEEE Tactical Internet (SAC Track) of IEEE ICC 2020, Dublin, Ireland
AutoMe team from Howard University was selected for Semi-Finalist for Cornell Cup 2019 (Link)
Funding has been received from AFRL for Blockchain for IoT research! Thanks to AFRL!
Received funding to support the research on "Security Engineering with Distributed Machine Learning for Adversarial Resiliency" from Intel in June 2018.
Two papers have been accepted by IEEE IoT Journal in October 2018.
Dr. Rawat will be co-chairing a Workshop (RAFTNET 2019) to be held with IEEE ICC 2019.
Ms. Dema Saad Alorini a CWiNs lab member, successfully defended her PhD dissertation entitled "Towards Machine Learning for Gulf Dialectical Arabic Malicious Content Detection in Social Media" on Nov. 26, 2018 and joined Princess Nora University, SA. Congratulations!!!
Dr. Rawat was invited to attend Microsoft Research Faculty Summit 2018 from August 1, 2018 to August 2, 2018, Redmond, WA, USA
Mr. E. Olumide Malomo, a CWiNs lab member, successfully defended his PhD dissertation entitled "Cybersecurity Through a Blockchain Enabled Federated Cloud Framework" on June 20, 2018 and joined Google Tech Exchange Program, San Francisco, CA. Congratulations!!!
We received $1M research funds to support the research on "Security Engineering for Resilient Mobile Cyber-Physical Systems" from National Science Foundation (NSF) in June 2018. Click Here for further detail.
Dr. Rawat was invited to give a Keynote speech (on "Security and Privacy in Mobile Networked Systems") at IEEE MobiSec 2018 to be held in conjunction in IEEE INFOCOM 2018, on April 16, 2018 in Honolulu, HI, USA.
Dr. Rawat has been serving as the Founding Director of the Data Science and Cybersecurity Center (DSC2) at Howard University, Washington, DC, USA.
Dr. Rawat is serving as a Workshop Chair for ACM SmartCitySecurity 2018, A MobiHoc 2018 Workshop which will be held in Los Angeles. CA, USA on June 25, 2018.
Dr. Rawat was elevated to Fellow of the Institution of Engineering and Technology (FIET) in January 2018.
Dr. Rawat was invited to serve as a TPC Vice Chair (Information Systems), IEEE INFOCOM 2018, Honolulu, HI, USA.
Dr. Rawat chairing the 2018 IEEE 5G Security Workshop in conjunction with IEEE ICC 2018, 20-24 May 2018 // Kansas City, MO, USA.
Dr. Rawat chairing the 2018 IEEE SCAN Workshop in conjunction with IEEE INFOCOM 2018, 15-19 April 2018 // Honolulu, HI // USA
Tutorial Chair, Dr. Rawat was invited to join Organizing Committee of ICNC 2018, Maui, Hawaii, USA, March 5-8, 2018
Two papers have been accepted by the ICNC 2018. Congratulations!!! to CWiNs lab members.
Dr. Rawat Delivers Invited Talk at IEEE CIC 2017: Dr. Danda B. Rawat, Associate Professor of Electrical Engineering & Computer Science and the Director of CWiNs lab at Howard University, delivered an invited talk at the IEEE CIC 2017, on October 16, San Jose, CA, USA entitled: "Edge Computing Enabled Resilient Wireless Network Virtualization for Internet of Things." The talk detailed recent research results and an ambitious new research agenda on the integration of Edge Computing and Wireless Network Virtualization for Internet of Things. This new agenda intends to address important questions about how emerging wireless networks are networked, organized, configured, optimized, and recovered automatically based on their operating situations to complete mission-critical assignments.
Mr. A. Adebayo, a PhD student in the Department of Electrical Engineering & Computer Science and a member of the CWiNs Research Lab at Howard University, has been awarded the prestigious National Science Foundation (NSF) student travel grant (STG) to attend the 2017 IEEE International Conference on Smart Cloud (IEEE SmartCloud 2017) in New York, USA from November 3 -5, 2017 to present his research paper, "Location-based Lightweight Security Scheme for Wireless Communications in ROAR Architecture", co-authored with his Ph.D. dissertation adviser, Dr. Danda B. Rawat. This travel grant is highly competitive and awarded to only a limited number of students.
Guest Editor, Dr. Rawat was invited to join GE team for Featured Topics in IEEE Communications Mazagine
The US Air Force Visiting Faculty Research Program Award (April, 2017): Dr. Rawat was selected to receive the US Air Force Visiting Faculty Research Program Award from the Air Force Office of Sponsored Research (AFOSR)’s Visiting Faculty Research Program at AFRL for Summer 2017.
Poster Co-Chair, Dr. Rawat was invited to join OC of IEEE CNS 2017, 9-11 October 2017, Las Vegas, NV, USA
Track Chair Invitation from IEEE CCNC 2018: Dr. Rawat has been invited to join the IEEE CCNC 2018, (The 15th Annual IEEE Consumer Communications & Networking Conference), January 2017, Las Vegas, USA as a Track Chair.
Area Editor Invitation, Dr. Rawat was invited tojoin EB of Elsevier Computer Networks Journal, 2016 - present
Guest Editor, Dr. Rawat was invited tojoin GE of Special Section in IEEE Access, Future Networks: Architectures, Protocols, and Applications (CFP)
Area Editor Invitation, Dr. Rawat was invited tojoin EB of Elsevier Journal of Network and Computer Applications, 2016 - present
Our paper has been accepted by the special issue of IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics on "Recent Advances in Network Big Data Analysis" in December 2016
Our paper entitled "Software Defined Networking Architecture, Security and Energy Efficiency: A Survey" has been accepted by the IEEE Communications Surveys and Tutorials in October 2016 DOI: https://doi.org/10.1109/COMST.2016.2618874
Our paper "Stackelberg Game based Dynamic Spectrum Access in Heterogeneous Wireless Systems" has been published by IEEE Systems Journal, 2016
Dr. Rawat published a textbook entitled "Vehicular Cyber Physical Systems: Adaptive Connectivity and Security," Springer, USA, September 2016.
Our paper "Evaluating Performance of Cognitive Radio Users in MIMO-OFDM based Wireless Networks" has been accepted by IEEE Wireless Communications Letters, 2016
Dr. Rawat published a book entitled "Cyber-Physical Systems: Foundations, Principles and Applications," Elsevier, USA, September 2016.
IEEE SCAN Organizer, Dr. Rawat organizing an IEEE SCAN Workshop in conjunction with INFOCOM 2017.
Invited Talk at UoT: Dr. Rawat delivered an invited talk at University of Toledo, Toledo, OH, USA on October 10, 2016.
Dr. Rawat was invited as Publicity Co-Chairs for 13th International Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing Conference (IWCMC 2017), Valencia, SPAIN, June 26 — 30, 2017
Paper at Elsevier Ad Hoc Networks Journal: One of our papers got accepted by Elsevier Ad Hoc Networks, September 2016.
Dr. Rawat was Invited to give an invited talk at CRESS 2016 in Conjunction with IEEE CNS 2016: Dr. Rawat will deliver an invited talk at the CRESS 2016 in Conjunction with IEEE CNS 2016, October 19, 2016 in Philadelphia, PA, USA entitled: "Physical Layer Security in Massive MIMO enabled Cognitive Radio Networks." IEEE Conference on Communications and Network Security (CNS) is a conference series in IEEE Communications Society (ComSoc) core conference portfolio and the only ComSoc conference focusing solely on cyber security. IEEE CNS is also a spin-off of IEEE INFOCOM, the premier ComSoc conference on networking.
Track Chair Invitation from IEEE CCNC 2017: Dr. Rawat has been invited to join the IEEE CCNC 2017, (The 14th Annual IEEE Consumer Communications & Networking Conference), January 2017, Las Vegas, USA as a Track Chair.
Web-Chair Invitation from IEEE INFOCOM 2017, Dr. Rawat was invited to serve as a Web Chair for IEEE INFOCOM 2017, 1 - 4 May 2017, Atlanta, GA, USA.
WiFiUS PI Meeting and Workshop 2016: Dr. Rawat was invited to attend the Wireless Innovation between Finland and US (WiFiUS) PI meeting and present his research vision on Cyber-security for Internet-of-Things in Helsinki, Finland on August 16-17, 2016.
Symposium Chair Invitation from ICNC 2017: Dr. Rawat has been invited to join the ICNC 2017 (The International Conference on Computing, Networking and Communications), Silicon Valley, CA, USA as a Symposium Chair for Cognitive Computing and Networking symposium
TPC Invitation from IEEE ICC’16: Dr. Rawat has been invited to join the 2017 IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC 2017),Track - Next Generation Networking and Internet Symposium, Paris France as a TPC Member.
TPC Invitation, Dr. Rawat has been invited to join the International Conference on Cloudification of the Internet of Things 2016 (CIoT’16), Nov. 23-25, 2016, Paris, FRANCE
TPC Invitation, Dr. Rawat has been invited to join the VTC 2017-Spring: Sydney, Vehicular Communication Networks and Telematics Track, 4–7 June 2017 in Sydney, Australia
Invited to Serve in Steering Committee, Special Session on Evolving Technologies for Smart Cities in IEEE CAMAD 2016
Brycent Chatfield (Graduate Student from CWiNs lab) is interning at Cisco Systems as a Security Solutions Engineer Intern at Raleigh/Chicago in Summer 2016. Congratulations, Brycent!!!
Keynote Speaker, "Big Data, Internet of Things and Cloud Convergence towards Smart Networked systems" at International Conference on Advanced Information Technology, Services and Systems (AIT2S-17), April 14/15, 2017.
Keynote Speaker/Panelist, Big Data, SDN and Healthcare at 2016 IEEE International Conference on Biomedical and Health Informatics (IEEE BHI 2016), Las Vegas 24-27 Feb. 2016.
TPC Co-Chair, The First International Conference on Fog and Mobile Edge Computing co-located with 2016 IEEE International Conference on Cloud and Autonomic Computing (ICCAC) and the Tenth IEEE International Conference on Self-Adaptive and Self-Organizing System (SASO 2016), Augsburg, Germany, September 12-16, 2016
Publicity Co-Chair, Dr. Rawat was invited to serve as publicity co-chair for the Selected Areas of Wireless Communications and Networking of the ACM Symposium on Applied Computing (SAC 2017) will be held in Marrackech, Morocco, March 27 - 31, 2017
Congratulations to Mr. Isaac Cushman (CWiNs Lab member) for being selected as a finalist in the IEEE SoutheastCon 2016 Student Paper Competition. He received a travel grant to attend and present his two papers at IEEE SoutheastCon 2016, April 1-2, 2016, Norfolk VA, USA.
IEEE INFOCOM'16 CPSS Paper (January, 2016): One paper got accepted for presentation at IEEE INFOCOM CPS 2016, April 10 - 14, 2016 San Francisco, CA, USA.
Dr. Rawat received the prestigious NSF CAREER Award to support his research on software defined radio access complex networks. Click Here for further detail.
Track Co-Chair Invitation from BWCCA 2016, Dr. Rawat has been invited to join the BWCCA 2016 (11-th International Conference on Broadband Wireless Computing, Communication and Applications), November 5 - 7, 2016, Asan, Korea.
TPC Invitation from IEEE WCNC 2017: Dr. Rawat has been invited to join the 2016 IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference (IEEE WCNC 2017) - Track 1- PHY and Fundamentals, 19-22 March 2017, San Francisco, CA, USA as a Technical Program Committee.
TPC Invitation from IEEE CBDCom 2016: Dr. Rawat has been invited to join the 2016 IEEE International Conference on Cloud and Big Data Computing (IEEE CBDCom 2016) - Track - Cloud and Big Data for Internet of Things (IoT),Toulouse, France, July 18 - 21, 2016. as a Technical Program Committee.
CWiNs Lab Member (Dr. Danda B. Rawat) presented two papers and chaired a session at IEEE RWW 2016 in Austin, TX, 24-27 January 2016.........(RWW Front Page Photo).......
CWiNs Lab Member (Dr. Danda B. Rawat) presented two papers in IEEE CCNC 2016 in Las Vegas, NV, 9-12 January 2016.
CWiNs Lab Members (Dr. Danda B. Rawat and Mr. Robin Grodi) presented two papers in IEEE GlobalSIP 2015 in Orlando, FL, 14-17 December 2015.
CWiNs Lab Members (Dr. Danda B. Rawat and Mr. Tanjil Amin) presented two papers in IEEE GLEBECOM 2016 in San Diego, CA, 6-10 December 2015.
General Chair of IEEE SDRANCAN 2015, Dr. Rawat chairs/organizes the IEEE SDRANCAN-2015 in Conjunction with IEEE GLOBECOM 2015, 6-10 December 2015, San Diego, CA, USA as one of the General Chairs.
Tanjil Amin Receives National Science Foundation (NSF) student travel grant: Tanjil Amin, graduate student in the Department of Electrical Engineering and member of the CWiNs Research Lab at GSU has been awarded the prestigious National Science Foundation (NSF) student travel grant (STG) to attend 2015 IEEE Global Communications Conference (IEEE GLOBECOM 2015), in San Diego, CA, USA from Dec 6 to December 10, 2015 to present his research paper. IEEE GLOBECOM is one of two flagship conferences of the IEEE Communications Society (ComSoc), together with IEEE ICC. Congratulations, Tanjil!
Robin Grodi Receives IEEE GlobalSIP'15 Travel Award: Robin Grodi, graduate student in the Department of Electrical Engineering and member of the CWiNs Research Lab at GSU has been awarded the IEEE SPS travel grant to attend the 2015 IEEE Global Conference on Signal and Information Processing (IEEE GlobalSIP'15) in Orlando, Florida, USA from December 14 to December 16, 2015 to present his research paper. The IEEE GlobalSIP is a flagship conference of the IEEE Signal Processing Society. This travel grant is highly competitive and awarded to only a limited number of students based on the paper quality. Congratulations, Robin!!!
CWiNs Research Group Participated in STEM Fest 2015: (September 26, 2014) Researchers at CWiNs Lab participated in STEM Fest 2015 at GSU, Statesboro, Gerogia, Read More>>.
TPC Invitation from IEEE WCNC’16 (August, 2015): Dr. Rawat has been invited to join the 2016 IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference (IEEE WCNC 2016) - Track 1- PHY and Fundamentals, 3-6 April 2016, Doha, Qatar as a Technical Program Committee.
IEEE GlobalSIP 2015 Papers (July, 2015): Two papers got accepted for presentations at IEEE GlobalSIP 2015, December 14 - 16, 2015, Orlando, FL, USA.
TPC Invitation from IEEE WCNC’16 (August, 2015): Dr. Rawat has been invited to join the 2016 IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference (IEEE WCNC 2016),Track 3 - Mobile and Wireless Networks Track, 3-6 April 2016, Doha, Qatar as a Technical Program Committee.
IEEE GLOBECOM 2015 Paper (July, 2015): One paper got accepted for presentations at IEEE GLOBECOM 2015, December 6 - 10, 2015, San Diego, CA, USA.
Dr. Danda B. Rawat, Director of CWiNs Lab and Assistant Professor of Electrical Engineering, received "CEIT Award for Excellence in Scholarly Activity 2015" at Georgia Southern University on August 11, 2015.
Track Chair Invitation from IEEE CCNC 2016 - Wireless Networking and Mobility Track: Dr. Rawat has been invited to join the IEEE CCNC 2016, (The 13th Annual IEEE Consumer Communications & Networking Conference), 8-11 January 2016, Las Vegas, USA as a Track Chair for 'Wireless Networking and Mobility Track'.
TPC Invitation from IEEE Radio & Wireless Week 2016 (RWW 2016): Dr. Rawat has been invited to join the 2016 IEEE RWW, IEEE RWS Conference,Austin TX, USA, Jan 24 - 27, 2016 as a Technical Program Committee.
NSF REU Summer Projects (June, 2015): Two undergraduate students (Isaac Cushman from Georgia Southern University and Ashraf Younis from Georgia Tech) join the CWiNs lab for NSF REU Summer projects for 10 weeks.
TPC Invitation from IEEE ICC’16: Dr. Rawat has been invited to join the 2016 IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC 2015),Track - Next Generation Networking and Internet Symposium,Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, May 23 - 27, 2016 as a Technical Program Committee.
TPC Invitation from IEEE GLOBECOM’15 - SAC - Green Communications and Computing Track: Dr. Rawat has been invited to join the IEEE GLOBECOM 2015 , San Diego, CA, USA, December 6 - 10, 2015 as a Technical Program Committee.
Web-Chair invitation from INFOCOM 2016, Dr. Rawat was invited to serve as a Web Chair for INFOCOM 2016, April 10 - 15, 2016, San Francisco, CA, USA.
TPC Invitation from IEEE/CIC ICCC'15 (2015 IEEE/CIC - NGN- Next Generation Networking Track: Dr. Rawat has been invited to join the IEEE/CIC ICCC'15 (2015 IEEE/CIC, China, November 2 - 4, 2015 as a Technical Program Committee.
Dr. Rawat Delivers Invited Talk at CTS 2015: Dr. Danda B. Rawat, Assistant Professor of Electrical Engineering and Director of CWiNs lab at Georgia Southern University, delivered an invited talk at the 2015 International Conference on Collaboration Technologies and Systems (CTS 2015), June 1 - 5, 2015 in Atlanta, Georgia, USA entitled: "Context-aware Collaboration, Computation and Communications in Emerging Wireless Networks." The talk detailed recent research results and an ambitious new research agenda on the real-time context-aware collaboration, computation and communications in emerging wireless networks. This new agenda intends to address important questions about how emerging wireless networks are networked, organized, configured, optimized, and recovered automatically based on their operating situations to complete mission-critical assignments.
TPC Invitation from IEEE GLOBECOM’15 - CRN - Cognitive Radio and Wireless Networks Track: Dr. Rawat has been invited to join the IEEE GLOBECOM 2015 , San Diego, CA, USA, December 6 - 10, 2015 as a Technical Program Committee.
TPC invitation from IEEE VTC Spring 2015, Dr. Rawat has been invited to join the IEEE VTC Fall 2015, Boston, MA, USA, 6–9 September 2015, Boston, USA as a Technical Program Committee.
Deputy Editor-in-Chief, Dr. Rawat was invited to serve as and Deputy Editor-in-Chief of EAI Transactions on Wireless Spectrum (2015 - present).
General Chair of IEEE SCAN 2015, Dr. Rawat chaired/organized the IEEE International Workshop on Advances in Software Defined and Context Aware Cognitive Networks 2015 in Conjunction with IEEE ICC 2015, 8-12 June 2015, London, UK as one of the General Chairs.
General Chair of IEEE Cloud-CPS 2014 (August 30, 2014): Dr. Rawat chaired/organized the IEEE Int'l Workshop on Cloud-integrated Cyber Physical Systems 2014 (IEEE Cloud-CPS 2014) in conjunction with IEEE CloudCom 2014, December 15 - 18, 2014, Singapore as one of the General Chairs.
Student Travel Grants Co-Chair, Dr. Rawat was invited to serve as one of the Student Travel Grants Co-Chairs for the 34th IEEE International Conference on Computer Communications (INFOCOM 2015), in Hong Kong, April 27-30, 2015.
Session Chair of IEEE WCNC 2015: Dr. Rawat has been invited to serve as a Session Chair for multiple sessions of IEEE WCNC 2015, March 9 - 12, 2015, New Orleans, LA, USA.
IEEE WCN 2015 Papers (December 1, 2014): Two papers from CWiNs Group are accepted for presentations at IEEE WCNC 2015, March 9 - 12, 2015, New Orleans, LA, USA.
Sustainability Grant (December 1, 2014) Dr. Danda B. Rawat (PI), Director of CWiNs Lab, received a research grant from Center for Sustainability at Georgia Southern University for the proposal entitled Design of High Speed Computer Networks Aimed at Reducing Energy Consumption and Carbon Emission at Georgia Southern University for $31,065.40. The main focus of the proposed research is to design green networks for high speed communications and drastic reduction in energy consumption and carbon emission at GSU.
Session Chair of IEEE IPCCC 2014 (November 16, 2014): Dr. Rawat has been invited to serve as a Session Chair for IEEE IPCCC 2014 for Security and Trust Session, December 5 - 7, 2014, Austin Texas USA.
CWiNs Research Lab/Facility Tour: (November 15, 2014) Researchers at CWiNs Lab offered a tour of its facilities and projects to (two groups of) high school students and their parents from State of Georgia on CEIT Visit day - November 14, 2014.
IEEE RWW 2015 Paper (October 09,2014), One of our conference papers (on UAV Networks) got accepted by IEEE RWW 2015 which will be presented on January 25-28, 2015 in San Diego, California, USA.
CWiNs Research Lab/Facility Tour: Researchers at CWiNs Lab offered a tour of its facilities and projects to a team from NASA/Kennedy Space Center - September 12, 2014.
TPC Invitation from IEEE ICC’15 (June 29, 2014): Dr. Rawat has been invited to join the 2015 IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC 2015),Track - Next Generation Networking and Internet Symposium, London, UK, June 8 - 12, 2015 as a Technical Program Committee.
NSF Grant (June 15, 2014) CWiNs Lab @ Georgia Southern has been awarded a multi-year research grant from the U.S. National Science Foundation (NSF) for Real-time Opportunistic Spectrum Access in Cloud based Cognitive Radio Networks (ROAR). The PI, Dr. Danda B. Rawat, is currently an Assistant Professor in the Department of Electrical Engineering and is a Founder and Director of the Cyber-security,Wireless Systems & Networking Innovations (CWiNs) Lab at Georgia Southern University. For more info about the grant click here
TPC Invitation from IEEE WCNC’15 (June 6, 2014): Dr. Rawat has been invited to join the 2015 IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference (WCNC 2015),Track 3 - Mobile and Wireless Networks Track, New Orleans, LA, USA, March 9 - 12, 2015 as a Technical Program Committee.
TPC Invitation from IEEE ICCVE’14 (April 24, 2014): Dr. Rawat has been invited to join the IEEE/SAE International Conference on Connected Vehicles and Expo (ICCVE 2014), November 3-7, 2014 | Vienna, Austria as a TPC Member.
IEEE IV 2014 Paper (April 15,2014), One of our conference papers got accepted by IEEE IV which will be presented on June 8-11, 2014 in Dearborn, Michigan, USA.
CISIS 2014 Paper (March 15,2014), One of our paper got accepted by CISIS 2014 conference (acceptance ratio = 29%) which will be presented on July 2nd - July 4th, 2014, in Birmingham City University, Birmingham, UK.
Special Issue Guest Editor (March 15, 2014): Dr. Rawat has been invited as a Guest Editor for a Special Issue on Network Surveillance and Intruder Detection, cfp The Scientific World Journal (Hindawi), 2014
Track Co-Chair Invitation from IEEE AINA’15 (February 25, 2014): Dr. Rawat has been invited to join the the 29th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Information Networking and Applications (AINA-2015) as a Track Co-Chair, 2015.
TPC Invitation from IEEE GLOBECOM’14 (December 10, 2013): Dr. Rawat has been invited to join the 2014 IEEE Global Telecommunications Conference (GLOBECOM), Selected Area of Communications, Austin, TX, USA, Dec. 8-12, 2014 as a Technical Program Committee.
Paper AHSWN (February 4, 2014) Our paper "Trust On the Security of Wireless Vehicular Ad-hoc Networking" has been accepted (to be published) by Ad Hoc & Sensor Wireless Networks (AHSWN) Journal, (Impact Factor 0.41), 2014
Elected as a Vice Chair of IEEE Savannah Section (December, 2013): Dr. Rawat has been elected as the Vice-Chair for the IEEE Savannah Section for 2013 - 2014 term. Special thanks go to the voters who voted for Dr. Rawat. :-)
TPC Invitation from IEEE WCNC’14 (August, 2013): Dr. Rawat has been invited to join the the 2014 IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference (WCNC 2014),Track 3 - Mobile and Wireless Networks Track, Istanbul, Turkey, April 6-9, 2014 as a Technical Program Committee.
Technical Program Chair Invitation (August 2013), Dr. Rawat was invited to serve as a Program Chair of the Second International Symposium on Security in Computing and Communications (SSCC-2014), 24 - 29 September 2014, Delhi, India as a Technical Program Chair
Paper IEEE GlobalSIP’13 (September 10, 2013): Our paper, “Game Theoretic Approach to Dynamic Spectrum Access with Multi-radio and QoS Requirements” was accepted by the IEEE GlobalSIP, December 2013.
Organizing ACTICS 2014 Workshop (November 3, 2013): Dr. Rawat will be organizing the Fourth International Workshop on Advanced Communication Technologies and their Applications to Intelligent transportation systems, Cognitive radios and Sensor networks (ACTICS'2014) in conjunction with IMIS-2014, July 2 - 4, 2014, Birmingham City University, Birmingham, UK.
Special Issue of Ad Hoc Networks (November, 2013): Dr. Rawat served as a Lead Guest Editor for a Special Issue on Recent Advances in Vehicular Communications and Networking, (Elsevier) Journal of Ad Hoc Networks, 2013.
Special Issue of MONET (December, 2013): Dr. Rawat served as a Guest Editor for a Special Issue on Network Protocols and Algorithms for Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks, ACM/Springer MONET, 2013.
Invited to the NSF Aspiring PI Meeting(February 3, 2014): Dr. Rawat has been invited (and awarded travel grant) to attend the NSF Workshop for Aspiring PIs in Cyber-Physical Systems between February 18-19, 2014 in Washington D.C.